Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Italian Job

Some nights, my man and I put the kids to bed and settle in for dinner on our own.  We pull out ingredients we remember from our pre-parenting days and mix a drink or two while we recall the highlights (sometimes lowlights) of our week.

Last Friday, we collected all the ingredients for a late-night, Italian-esque pairing I admired in a magazine I had lying around.

The red wine/bloodorange soda cocktail was refreshing - sophisticated even (especially enjoyable in our German crystal glasses!).  I made my own pizza dough which was the perfect base for the prosciutto + greens.

Cheers, Mr. Hausfrau!  Thanks for joining me for date night!


  1. I love homemade pizza dought, too.
    Since we moved in our new home I did not make much pizza, coz we are alltimes kneehigh in other chores. I am happy that you and your husband take tis time for yourself!


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